European and US COVID-Relief Programs:
Comparing Experiences and Lessons for the Future
(Employment and Training Programs)
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Washington Hilton: Concourse Level, Jefferson East
In response to the economic devastation caused by COVID-19, both the European Union and the United States substantially expanded their unemployment compensation programs and various other forms of social assistance. In both the EU and the US, specialized governmental units evaluated these COVID-Relief programs. Leaders of three of these EU units described the results of their evaluations: Wolfgang Hiller, Director of the European Parliamentary Research Service’s Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value; Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, European Investment Bank; and Martin Weber, Director of the Presidency of the European Court of Auditors. Thomas Costa, director of the U.S. Government Accountability Office's Division on Education, Workforce, and Income Security (EWIS), contrasted their findings with US experiences. Besides discussing methodological issues, the panel also drew lessons for future programing.

- Martin Weber, European Court of Auditors presentation
- Wolfgang Hiller, European Parliament Research Service presentation
- Thomas Costa, US Government Accountability Office presentation
- Emily Sinnott, European Investment Bank presentation