Migration: A World in Motion
A Multinational Conference on Migration and Migration Policy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

18:00 - 18:15 Welcome and Introduction
  Chris de Neubourg, Academic Director, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
18:15 - 19:15 Gallup Keynote Session

Most Desired Migration destinations and antecedents of migration intent across the World: Insights From Gallup World Poll

Neli Esipova, Director of Research for Global Migration, Regional Research Director for World Poll FSU
Rajesh Srinivasan, Director of Research for Global Entrepreneurship Studies, Regional Research Director for World Poll Asia
  Tim Gravelle, Regional Director for World Poll North America
Friday, February 19, 2010  
8:45 - 9:00 Welcome and Introduction

The Growing Challenge of Immigration: What Developed Countries Can Learn from Each Other

Douglas J. Besharov, Professor, University of Maryland School of Public Policy
9:00 - 10:00 Keynote Session
  Searching for New Policy Paradigms in the Wake of the Great Recession
Roberto Suro, Professor, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California
10:15- 12:15 Invited session 1
  Asking questions about remittances: what is feasible in surveys?
Chaired by Jorgen Carling, Peace Research Institute, Oslo
Asking questions about remittances: what is feasible and valuable in surveys
Jorgen Carling, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo
  The simultaneous matched sample methodology and remittances: what new information can be gained?
Valentina Mazzucato, Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands
  The controversial 'how do you spend your remittances' question: methodological and empirical considerations on remittance use and income fungibility
Hein de Haas, Oxford University, United Kingdom
  Investigating social dimensions of remittance sending through a survey
Marta Bivand Erdal, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo
  Challenges and practical solutions for measuring remittances in a global study. Experiences from 2009 Gallup World Poll
Rajesh Srinivasan, Gallup and Neli Esipova, Gallup
10:15- 12:15 Circular Migration and Transnationalism
Chaired by Eleonora Koeb, ECDPM
From Cotonou to Circular Migration: the EU, Senegal and the ‘Agreement Duplicity’
Meng-Hsuan Chou, ARENA - Centre for European Studies and Marie Gibert, University of London, UK
  Circular Migration of Lithuanians: The Case of Brain Gain?
Egidijus Barcevicius, Public Policy and Management Institute and Dovile Zvalionyte, PPMI and Vilnius University
  Transnational practices of Salvadoran migrants in Australia: an analysis of the factors influencing the capability to care across borders
Laura Merla, University of Lisbon and University of Western Australia
  Religious Transnationalism: The case of Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain
Dominic Pasura, University College London
10:15- 12:15 Migration, Citizenship and Politics
Chaired by Maarten Vink, Maastricht University
The Effects of Dual Citizenship Laws in Latin America on the Health of Latinos in the United States
Jeremy Green, Yale School of Public Health
  Greek Immigration Policy: Civic Stratification, ‘Plastic’ Citizenship and ‘Plastic Subjectivities’
Gabriella Lazaridis, University of Leicester and Anna Maria Konsta, American College Thessaloniki
  Party Competition and Diaspora Policymaking in Postcommunist Croatia and Serbia
Sarah Garding, Department of Political Science, University of California
  What Drives U.S. Immigration Policy? Evidence from Congressional Roll Call Votes
Max Steinhardt, Centro Studi Luca D`Agliano and Giovanni Facchini, Erasmus University Rotterdam
10:15- 12:15 Determinants of Migration
Chaired by Manoj Dora, Maastricht University
The Decision to Migrate and Social Capital: Evidence from Albania
Cristina Cattaneo, Fondazione Enrico Mattei -FEEM- and University of Sussex
  Differentiated Social Capital Mobilization in the Migration Decision of Filipino Domestic Workers
Anju Paul, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  Migration Networks in Senegal
Isabelle Chort, Paris School of Economics and LEAINRA
  Africa on the Move: An Extended Gravity Model of Intra-regional Migration
Ilse Ruyssen, Ghent University and Glenn Rayp, Ghent University
13:30-15:30 Invited session 2
  Determinants and Consequences of Child Migration
Chaired by Valentina Mazzucato, Maastricht University and Marta Tienda, Princeton University
Discussants: Hector Cordero-Guzman, Ford Foundation and Kevin O'Neil, Princeton University
Age at immigration and the adult outcomes of child immigrants in the United States and Canada
Audrey Beck, Princeton University, Miles Corak, University of Ottowa and Marta Tienda, Princeton University
  Nativity Differences in the Intergenerational Correlation in Education: The Role of Education Expectations
Deborah Cobb-Clark, Australian National University and Hu Nguyen, Australian National University
  Fertility Behavior of Canadian Immigrant Households and Second generation Canadians
Alicia Adsera, Princeton University and Ana Ferrer, University of Calgary
  Income Poverty and Income Support for Minority and Immigrant Children in Rich Countries
Timothy M. Smeeding, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Karen Robson, York University, Ontario, CN and Coady Wing, Syracuse University
  Determinants and consequences of child migration
Xin Meng, Australian National University
13:30-15:30 Return Migration
Chaired by Katie Kuschminder, Maastricht University
Immigrants' Dependency to Welfare State: The Case of France
Carine Drapier, Equippe, University of Lille
  The Politics and Discourse of Return: Investigating the Formulation of Migrant Return Policies in Germany
Anne Koch, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
  Return Migration of Foreign Students and the Choice of Non-resident Tuition Fees
Thomas Lange, University of Konstanz and ifo Institute for Economic Research
13:30-15:30 Highly Skilled Migration
Chaired by Özge Bilgili/Metka Hercog, Maastricht University
What's the Best Place for Me? Migration Location - Choice for Science Students in India
Metka Hercog, Maastricht University
  Achievement oriented border passing among Indian IT professionals working on-site in Belgium
Hannelore Roos, Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research
  Indian Migration and "Temporary" Labor Programs: Select Contrasts in Policies and Trends in the European Union and the United States
Mary Breeding, Georgetown University
The Global Dynamic of High-Skill Migration: The Case of U.S./ India Relations
Ted Davis, George Mason University
  Highly Skilled Migration: Foreign Science & Engineering Doctoral Attainment at American Universities
Robert Hamilton, George Mason University and Wayne Perry, George Mason University
13:30-15:30 Policy and Migration
Chaired by Natsja Reslow, Maastricht University
Newcomers Becoming Insiders: the Making of Citizens from Migrants in the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Israel
Ronald Schmidt, California State University, Long Beach, Marleen van der Haar, Vrije Universiteit, NL, Karlijn Völke, Vrije Universiteit, NL, Dvora Yanow, Vrije Universiteit, NL and Richard Lozano, California State University, Long Beach
  Just How Many 'Immigrants from Heaven'? Uncertainty and the politics of Eastern European labor market access in Britain
Chloe Thurston, University of California at Berkeley
  Immigration Policy and Immigrant Integration in the United States: Evidence from Past and Present
Jacob Vigdor, Duke University and NBER
Local Strategies for Immigrants' Integration in Spain: Case Studies of the Cities of Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Alvarez, The Complutense University of Madrid
13:30-15:30 Effects of Migration
Chaired by Melissa Siegel, Maastricht University
The Occupational Distribution of Immigrants in the OECD: An Empirical Analysis of Determinants and Consequences
Sanket Mohapatra, The World Bank and Ani Silwal, The World Bank
  Assessing the effects of restrictions on migration: What can we learn from China?
Örn B. Bodvarsson, St. Cloud State University and Institute for the Study of Labour
  The Effects of Immigration on Age Structure and Fertility in the United States
David Pieper, University of California, Berkeley
Filipino Careworkers in Ageing Japan: Trends, Trajectories and Policies
Maria Reinaruth Carlos, Ryukoku University
15:45-17:45 Invited session 3
  Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE)
Chaired by Valentina Mazzucato, Maastricht University and Marta Tienda, Princeton University
Leaving, returning: Trends and determinants of Congolese and Senegalese migration
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, Université Catholique Louvain(UCL), Cris Beauchemin, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED), Bruno Schoumaker, UCL
  Migrant networks and gender in Congolese and Senegalese international migration
Sophie Vause, UCL and Sorana Toma, FIERI and Oxford University
  The role of international migration experience for investment at home: the case of Senegal
Cora Mezger, INED and Cris Beauchemin, INED
  Poverty and migration from Sengal to Europe,Pau Baizán, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Spain and Amparo
González-Ferrer, Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía, Spain
15:45-17:45 Migrant mobility
Chaired by Katie Kuschminder
Labour Migration and its Implications on Rural Economy of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India
Nisha Varghese, Indira Gandhi Open University and Naveen Pratap Singh, ICRISAT
  Entry and Exit Strategies in Migration Dynamics
Sergio Vergalli, University of Brescia
Depart ‘Voluntarily’ or Decline to Illegality? Response to the Economic Crisis among Immigrants in the Czech Republic
Marketa Rulikova, Metropolitan University Prague
  Transnational Networks in the context of Remigration Processes - Networks providing social support to highly qualified Ghanaian migrants returning from Germany
Claudia Olivier, Research Training Group, Transnational Social Support
15:45-17:45 Highly skilled migration
Chaired by Eze Tacsir, UNU-MERIT
Skilled-Immigrant Metropolitan Destinations and Changing Economic Opportunities for Natives
Deborah Graefe, Pennsylvania State University and Gordon De Jong, Pennsylvania State University
  Making a Career? The Integration of Highly Skilled Female Migrants into the German Job Market
Grit Grigoleit, Hamburg University of Technology
Rural Practice and Retention in New Zealand: An Examination of Domestically and Foreign Trained Doctors
Arlene Garces-Ozanne, University of Otago
15:45-17:45 Policy and Migration
Chaired by Maureen Pirog, Indiana University
Immigration, Globalization, and Unemployment Benefits in Developed EU States
Ling Zhu, Texas A&M University and Christine Lipsmeyer, Texas A&M University
  Geographic Dispersal of the Foreign-born Population and Local Lawmaking in the United States
Kevin O'Neil, Princeton University
Integration Policy and Integration Monitoring in Germany: From Pragmatic Improvisation to a Coherent Strategy?
Susanne Worbs, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and Katrin Hirseland, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
  The influence of neo - liberal ideas and political conflict on the privatization process of immigrant policy: A comparison of Israel, Canada and the Netherlands
Ilana Shpaizman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
15:45-17:45 Migrant Flows
Chaired by Hector Cordero-Guzman, City University of New York
Kosovo - Winning its Independence but Losing its People? Recent evidence on emigration intentions
Artjoms Ivlevs, University of Nottingham and Roswitha King, Ostfold University College
  The Correlates and Incidence of Sex Trafficking in the United States and the Effect of Legislation to Prosecute Traffickers
Shana Judge, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A Self Selection Analysis of Employed Rural Metropolitan Migrants in Paraguay
Carlos Villalobos, Uni-Göttingen, Lacea, Ecineq
Gender Differences in the Destination Choices of Labor Migrants: Mexican Migration to the United States in the 1990s
Mark Leach, The Pennsylvania State University and James Bachmeier, Univ. of California, Irvine
15:45-17:45 Migration and remittances
Chaired by Sonja Fransen, Maastricht University
Remittances and Natural Disasters: Ex-post Response and Contribution to Ex-ante Preparedness: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4972
Sanket Mohapatra, World Bank, George Joseph, World Bank, and Dilip Ratha, World Bank
  Remittances and Consumption in Albania
Juna Miluka, New York University of Tirana and Ilir Gedeshi, CESS
You, Me, or Us? Conjugal Separation and Parent-Child Separation in Family Migration: A Case of Rural Thailand
Kwanpadh Suddhi-Dhamakit, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
The Remittance Response of Expatriates in the Land of Oil, Sand and Tall Buildings: A Case Study of Immigrants in Dubai
George Naufal, American University of Sharjah and Carlos Vargas-Silva, University of Oxford
Exploring the Causes of the Slowdown in Remittances to Mexico
Isabel Ruiz, Sam Houston State University and Carlos Vargas-Silva, University of Oxford and SHSU
18:00-19:00 Journal Editor Panel
  Maureen Pirog, Professor, Indiana University, and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Neil Gilbert, Professor, University of California- Berkeley, and Chair of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Social Welfare
Chris de Neubourg, Academic Director, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
Chair: Douglas J. Besharov, University of Maryland School of Public Policy
Saturday, February 20, 2010

8:45 - 9:00 Welcome and Introduction
  Melissa Siegel, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht University
18:00-19:00 Keynote panel
  Voices from the South
  Aderanti Adepoju, Human resources development Center, Nigeria
Binod Khadria, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Chair: Dr. Helen Ladd, President, APPAM
10:15-12:15 Invited session 4
  What drives migration? New theoretical and methodological approaches for researching the determinants of migration
Chaired by Hein de Haas, Oxford University
Migration transitions: a theoretical and empirical inquiry into the developmental drivers of international migration
Hein de Haas, Oxford University
  Importing sociological concepts into migration theory: insights from recent economic research
Hillel Rapoport, Bar-Ilan University and Harvard University
  Can push and pull still play a role in reviving migration theory?
Jørgen Carling, PRIO, Norway
  Migration futures: an scenario based inquiry into the drivers of global migration
Carlos Vargas-Silva, Simona Vezzoli, Oxford University
10:15-12:15 Migration of health professionals
Chaired by Özge Bilgili, Maastricht University
Supplying Health Professionals to the World: A Case Study of India
Indrajit Hazarika, IIPH-Delhi, PHFI
  Can Health Foreign Assistance Break The Medical Brain Drain?
Yasser Moullan, University of Paris, Sorbonne
  International Nurse Recruitment, Risk and Recession: The Irish Experience
Niamh Humphries, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ruairi Brugha, RCSI and Hannah McGee, RCSI
  Beyond 'Push' and 'Pull': Rethinking Medical Migration from the Philippines
M. Scott Solomon, University of South Florida
  India as a Source of Health Workers: Emerging Trends, Direction and Magnitude
Sanghita Bhattacharya, PHFI and Indrajit Hazarika, IIPH
10:15-12:15 Migrants and Education
Chaired by Cheng Ong Boon, Maastricht University
Migrant Education in the Netherlands:Segregation and the Role of Weighted Student Funding
Helen Ladd, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Edward B. Fiske and Nienke Ruijs
  Immigrant Concentration in Schools and Human Capital Development
Dylan Conger, Trachtenberg School, George Washington University
  Negotiating Choice: Latin American Immigrant Families' Experiences with High School Choice as a Lens into Educational Integration
Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj, New York University
  The Negative Assimilation of Immigrants
Barry Chiswick, Univ of Illinois at Chicago and Paul Miller, Univ of Western Australia
10:15-12:15 Diaspora and Development
Chaired by Antony Ongayo, Maastricht University
Addressing the Challenges of Engaging Diasporas for Development
Jennifer Brinkerhoff, George Washington University
  Poverty Alleviation and Islamic NGOs: The Case of IGMG
Mehmet Ozkan, Sevilla University, Spain
  Wealth of Recent Immigrants to the United States
Suhas Ketkar, Vanderbilt University and Manoj Dora, MGSoG, Maastricht University
  Expanding the Notion and Possibilities of Codevelopment: Linking Sending and Receiving Countries in the Development Process
Miryam Hazan, University of Pennsylvania
10:15-12:15 Migration, Law and Policy
Chaired by Katharina Eisele, Maastricht University
African Narratives and American Justice: Finding a New Way Forward for Human Rights in Past FGC-Based Asylum Claims
Joshua Labove, Dartmouth College
  Transit Countries and Migration Management
Mariya Aleksynska, CEPII, Paris and Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro, IMF
  The Advent of Immigrants: the Impacts of Immigration and Migration Policy on China's Urban Labor Market
Lulu Xue, M.I.T.
  Regional Approaches in Managing Migration - A Comparative View
Sonja Schroeder, Project Researcher, United Nations University
  Political Economy of International Migration of Health Professionals: Right to Freedom of Movement Vs Right to Health
Sanjoy Nayak, Fmr Director of CDS, University of Birmingham
13:30-15:30 Invited session 5
  International migration networks and diaspora externalities
Chaired by Hillel Rapoport, Harvard University
Revisiting the trade-migration nexus: evidence from new OECD data
Farid Toubal, University of Angers
  Brain drain with FDI gain? Factor mobility between Eastern and Western Europe
Miriam Manchin, Univesity College London
  Migration and the quality of home country institutions
Hillel Rapoport, CID, Harvard University
  International migration, transfer of norms and home country fertility
Michel Beine, University of Luxembourg
13:30-15:30 Migration Outcomes
Chaired by Alicia Adsera, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
Immigration, Wage Inequality and Unobservable Skills in the U.S. and the UK
Cinzia Rienzo, cep, LSE & Royal Holloway Univ
  On the Margins of a Dream: Mixed-Status Families and Public Assistance
Edward Vargas, Indiana University, School of Public & Environment
  Ethnic-cultural Diversity, Regimes of Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe. Investigating the Conditional Effects of Immigration on Generalized Trust
Tim Reeskens, KU Leuven
  Short-Term Training Programmes for Migrants: Do Effects Differ from Natives and Why?
Stephan Thomsen, University of Magdeburg and Thomas Walter, ZEW Mannheim
13:30-15:30 Migration, Remittances and Development
Chaired by Manoj Dora, Maastricht University
Local Economic Development and Return Migration: A Bottom up Explanation for the Middle East & North Africa Region
Luisa Mengoni, University of Bologna
  Income, Consumption and Remittances: Evidence from Immigrants to Australia
Giulia Bettin, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Riccardo Lucchetti, Università Politecnica Marche, and Alberto Zazzaro, Università Politecnica Marche
  Development, Crime or Integration? Conflicting Perspectives on Remittances
Marta Erdal, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo – PRI, Karin Afeef, PRIO and Jørgen Carling, PRIO
  Determinants and Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances to Sub-Saharan Africa
Raju Singh, International Monetary Fund, Markus Haacker, LSHTM, Kyung-woo Lee, Columbia University
13:30-15:30 Migration and remittances in Latin America
Chaired by Mark Lopez, Pew Hispanic Center
Migration and Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Rural Mexico
Vera Chiodi, Paris School of Economics - Poverty Action Lab J-P and Gabriel Montes Rojas, City University London
  Furthering the Discussions on the Migration-Development Nexus: A Closer Look at Dominican Hometown Associations and Their Development Impacts
Deepak Lamba-Nieves, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  Do Remittances Improve Educational Opportunity for those that Remain Behind? Evidence from Mexico's Mixteca Baja
Adam Sawyer, Harvard University
13:30-15:30 Determinants of Migration and Flows
Chaired by Katerina Kyrieri, EIPA
Labour Migration into a Transit State: The Case of Turkey
Barbara Pusch, Orient-Institut Istanbul
  Are They Forced Out? – The Migration Decisionmaking of Rural Migrant Women in Contemporary China
Nana Zhang, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation
  Is it Push or Pull? Recent Evidence from Migration in India
Kala Seetharam Sridhar, Public Affairs Centre and Venugopala Reddy, Public Affairs Centre
  The Effects of Natural Disasters on International Migration
Rafael Reuveny, Indiana University, David Good, Indiana University and Alex Alexeev, Indiana University
15:45-17:45 Invited session 6
  Europe and Its Boarders: European Migration Policy after Lisbon
Chaired by Hildegard Schneider, Maastricht University
Introduction on EU Migration Policy
Hildegard Schneider, Maastricht University
  Comments on FRONTEX
Jorrit Rijpma, Leiden University
  The External Dimension of Migration Policy
Katharina Eisele, Maastricht University
  The New Politics of EU Migration Policy: Analysing the Decision-Making Process of the Mobility Partnerships
Natasja Reslow, Department of Political Science, Maastricht University
15:45-17:45 Effects of Migration and Remittances
Chaired by Matthias Lücke, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Remittances and the Transnational Family in South-East Asia
Lucy Jorda, University of St Andrews and Elspeth Graham, University of St Andrews
  Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda: The Role of Migratory Contacts and Remittances
Kim Caarls, Maastricht University, Ruerd Ruben, Radboud University, CIDIN, and Sonja Fransen, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
  Remittances, Institutions and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Yéro Baldé, Université de Limoges
  Remittances and Financial Openness
Elisabetta Lodigiani, Université du Luxembourg, CREA
15:45-17:45 Migrant Labour Market Outcomes and Wages
Chaired by Cheng Ong Boon, Maastricht University
Displacement and Income Effects of Central and Eastern European Labour Migrants in the Netherlands
Arjan Heyma, SEO Economic Research, Ernest Berkhout, SEO Economic Research, and Siemen van der Werff, SEO Economic Research
  Economic Assimilation of Asia-Pacific Immigrants in the United States Considering Various Pathways to Legal Immigration
Protap Mukherjee, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Lopamudra Ray Saraswati, Jawaharlal Nehru University
  Experimental Research into Ethnic Discrimination in the Dutch Labour Market
Eline Nievers, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Iris Andriessen, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Jaco Dagevos, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research and Laila Faulk, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research