Policy, Program, and Budgetary Reviews by Specialized Analytic Units of the US and EU
Similarities, Differences, and Cross-Atlantic Lessons
Pre-conference workshop
Annual Meeting of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management
11:00 AM-5:00 PM
November 16, 2022
Washington, DC
Washington Hilton (1919 Connecticut Avenue NW; Room: Jefferson West)
Governments everywhere must make increasingly complex decisions on an ever-widening array of issues. To assist decision makers, both the United States and the European Union have established quasi-independent, specialized analytic units that assess (1) proposed legislation, regulations, programs, and spending; and (2) the implementation, effectiveness, and efficiency of operating policies and programs.
This workshop will bring together senior US officials from Congressional Budget Office, the Congressional Research Service, the Government Accountability Office, and the Office of Management and Budget with their European counterparts at the European Court of Auditors, the European Parliamentary Research Service, and the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.
The leaders will describe commonalities and differences in analytical approaches; qualitative and quantitative techniques; and their sensitivity to political, economic, and normative considerations—first in general terms and then in the context of their major functions relating to (1) program planning, (2) ex ante and ex post impact and cost analyses (including the evaluation methodologies they employ), and (3) estimates of the effects of tax and spending decisions. Ample time will be available for audience interaction. The point would not be that one unit’s approach is smarter or wiser than another, but that it could provide practical operational and substantive insights to the APPAM audience.
Workshop Faculty | |
United States | European Union |
Theresa Gullo Director of Budget Analysis Congressional Budget Office Presentation Sharmila Choudhury Assistant Director, Social Policy Division Congressional Research Service Presentation |
Wolfgang Hiller Head, Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) Presentation Emily Sinnott Head of Division for Policy and Strategy Division, Economics Department European Investment Bank Presentation Martin Weber Director of Audit Chamber II, Investments for Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion European Court of Auditors Presentation |
Douglas Besharov
University of Maryland
Norbert Wunner
Head of Economics and Financial Affairs
EU Delegation to the US
11:15-12:30: Organizational Settings
Workshop faculty
12:45-1:30: Lunch Keynote
Joseph Dunne
European Parliament Liaison Office
1:30-2:45: Policy Planning and Ex Ante Analyses
Workshop faculty
3:00-4:15: Ex Post and (In Medias Res) Analyses
Workshop faculty
4:15-5:00: Wrap Up
J. Christopher Mihm
Former Managing Director for Strategic Issues
Government Accountability Office
Kathryn Newcomer
George Washington University
To register for the workshop, please click here. On-site registration will also be available. Any questions or difficulties with registration can be sent to registration@appam.org.
Price: $90 for individuals who are not members of APPAM, $75 for APPAM members, and $40 for student members of APPAM.
Note: Some of the workshop faculty will participate in a roundtable on “European and US COVID-Relief Programs: Comparing Experiences and Lessons for the Future” at APPAM on Thursday, November 17 from 10:15—11:45 (Room: Jefferson East).