Upcoming Conferences/Events
The Demographic Transition: Policy Implications of Fertility and Aging Trends
Past Conferences/Events
Cash Transfers and Guaranteed Minimum Income Programs: Research, Evaluation, and Policy
External Validity in Program Evaluation
Migration Practicalities: Host Country Responses to Authorized and Unauthorized Migrants
Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research
Challenges of Welfare Policies in Central and Eastern Europe
Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research
More Effective Public Workforce Programs through Comparative Performance Monitoring
Cross-National Conference Reports
Labor Activation in a Time of High Unemployment: Lessons From Abroad
Improving the Quality of Public Services: A Multinational Conference on Public Management
Trends in Migration and Migration Policy
Asian Social Protection in Comparative Perspective
Journal Articles
Teaching in Today's Global Classroom: Policy Analysis in Cross-National Settings
Income Transfers Alone Won’t Eradicate Poverty
Welfare States Amid Economic Turmoil
Deconstructing European Poverty Measures: What
Relative and Absolute Scales Measure
Impressionistic Realism: The Europeans Focus the U.S. on Measurement
Europe's Other Poverty Measures: Absolute
Thresholds Underlying Social Assistance
New Comparative Measures of Income, Material
Deprivation, and Well-Being
Social Welfare's Twin Dilemmas: "Universalism vs.
Targeting" and "Support vs. Dependency"
Upcoming Courses
Past Courses
Improving Programs through Evaluation-Based Performance Monitoring and Management
Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: Real-World Decision Making
Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: Real-World Decision Making
Improving Programs through Evaluation-Based Performance Monitoring and Management
Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: Real-World Decision Making
Program Evaluation: Determining What Works
UMD Non Credit Professional Development Course: Program Evaluation and Applied Policy Analysis
UMD Summer Course: Program Evaluation and Applied Policy Analysis
UMD Summer Course: Understanding and Synthesizing Evidence-Based Research
UMD Summer Course: Comparative Policy Analysis and Practical Program Evaluation
Summer Institute on Program Evaluation
International Policy Exchange Series
Work and the Social Safety Net: Labor Activation in Europe and the United States
United States Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality
The "Population Problem" in Pacific Asia
Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below
Decent Incomes for All: Improving Policies in Europe
Youth Labor in Transition: Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe
Welfare, Work, and Poverty: Social Assistance in China
Welfare Reform Academy
(To view the homepage of Welfare Reform Academy, please click here)
Archiving the European Institute Website
As you may already know, the European Institute has ceased operations. However, in the next few months, the rich work of the European Institute, captured on their website (www.europeaninstitute.org), will be archived and available to all here. Until then, the University will continue to maintain the existing URL and website.
The European Institute has served as the leading public policy organization in Washington devoted solely to Transatlantic Relations since its founding in 1989. Further, the European Institute’s policy journal, European Affairs, has been invaluable in strengthening the direct exchanges facilitated through its many meetings by drawing on a wide network of prominent experts to build a rich and comprehensive body of work on contemporary issues at the core of European-American relations.